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Prepare your skin and garden for spring-time!

Spring is here and nature is slowly recovering from the winter hardships. But a magnificent garden also needs the right care, especially at this time, to be a beautiful retreat to feel good. The same applies to our skin, which also needs to be made spring-ready after the cold winter months.

While we remove the old leaf debris and weeds in the garden, we also clear the pollutants from our skin, with a thorough cleansing. We gently loosen the soil with a rake and remove dead skin flakes with a gentle exfoliation. Cutting back plants and tree tops stimulates their natural regeneration and completes the perfect preparation of the garden. Similarly, dermaneedling stimulates the skin's self-healing process and opens the skin for "seeding" with high-dose active ingredient serums.

Making your garden and skin glow and blossom also requires regular maintenance. Treat your plants to some occasional fertilizer, just as you treat yourself to the relaxation and vitalization of a cream mask.

The spring sun is getting stronger and stronger. It gives us strength and energy and makes us comfortably stretch our arms and leaves into the air! But it also calls for protection through shade for plants that dry out easily and through UV Skin Protection Cream for our skin. Keep watering your garden and moisturizing your skin as well. For when you're on the go, the Hyaluronic Refresh Spray serves as an ideal freshness boost.

Our favorite active ingredient for this time of year is vitamin C. As an antioxidant, it reduces UV-induced skin damage and improves the skin's natural regeneration. A true miracle cure for blemished skin and hyperpigmentation. Always ensure adequate sun protection when using it.

For details on garden care, we prefer to refer you to the professionals in that field. But for specific solutions to skin problems and for vitamin C treatments, feel free to contact me directly by e-mail or via phone +43 5332 56671 29.

We look forward to hearing from you!

With kind regards!

Yours Izabela

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